Policy Discussion Series

2024 Series

Contributors Guidelines

Guidelines for Contributors

  1. All manuscripts should be typed on one side of A4 (8.27" x 11.69") and be double-spaced, 2 centimeter margin with Times New Roman font type and size 12. 
  2. The length of the manuscript is approximately 6000-7.000 words or approximately 15-25 pages (A4 paper).
  3. All manuscripts should be sent by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  4. To assure anonymous review, authors should not identify themselves directly or indirectly in their papers.
  5. In sending a manuscript, it should have a cover page which includes the title of the paper, the author's full name, title and affiliation, mailing address, phone and fax number, email address, and any acknowledge. 
  6. Together with the manuscript, the author (s) should attach his/her (their) biography of 50 words.
  7. All pages, including tables, figures, diagrams, appendices and references should be serially numbered
  8. Spell out numbers from one to ten, except when used in tables, figures and lists, and when used with mathematical, statistical, scientific or technical units and quantities, such as distances, weights and measures. For example: two days, one week, 20 years, 4 meters. All other numbers are expressed numerically.  

The systematically writing should cover the followings:

Title: it should be specific and effective with maximum 150 characteristics

Abstract:  maximum 200 words and should concisely inform the readers of the manuscript's topic, its objectives, its methods and its main findings.  

Keywords: at least four keywords in alphabetical way.

JEL classifications: at least two codes

Introduction: it should cover systematically the paper's background, motivation, purposes, and method.

Theoretical Framework/Literature Review: the author (s) should explain theoretical framework used or previous key similar studies/literature  

Methods: the author (s) should explain analysis method used, including sources of data, data collection approach, measurements, and operational variable definition (if any).

Results and Discussion: the author (s) should elaborate clearly main research finding(s). If the author (s) used an econometric or a statistical approach in his/her (their) research, in this part (section) of the paper, he/she (they) should prevented from "too mechanic" in explaining/discussing the results. Instead, the author (s) should answer the question that most likely to be asked by the readers: "what the findings mean in reality?" 

Conclusion: it should contain key research findings, meaning of the findings and suggestion for the future research (if any).

Appendices: if any, it should contain further information (which can be in the form of a table or a figure or a list, or others) directly related to information or data given in the paper in which the author (s) considered it also important for the readers. 

References:  only references cited in the paper, and they should be stated with the following order: author surname, publication year, title of the paper, journal name and its volume and page number. Or if it is a chapter of a book, it should be added with surname of the book's editor, title of the book, page number, name of publisher, and city of the publisher.

Some examples:

-Research/working paper:

Abeberese, A.B (2012), "Electricity Cost and Firm Performance: Evidence from India", research paper, August, Department of Economics, Columbia University, New York, NY (https://www.dartmouth. edu/~neudc2012/docs/paper_292.pdf).


Anh, L.H, Nguyen T. and Nguyen T.T.P. (2013), "The Inflationary Impacts of Fossil Fuel and Electricity Price Reform in Viet Nam", report of the UNDP project Fossil Fuel Fiscal Policies and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Viet Nam – Phase II-Developing a Roadmap for Fossil Fuel Fiscal Policy Reform, Hanoi.


Jamal, M. and A. Ayarkwa (2014), "Fuel Price Adjustments and Growth of SMEs in the New Juaben Municipality, Ghana", International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research, 2(3): 13-22.


Tambunan, T.T.H. (2009b), Development of SMEs in ASEAN Countries, Readworthy Publications, Ltd, New Delhi

-Seminar paper:

Tambunan, T.T.H. (2014b), "Government efforts to improve community access to health care and education: a story from Indonesia", paper presented at the Second International Conferece on Social Security", 3-5 December 2014, Social Security Research Centre (SSRC) and the Department of Development Studies and Institutions and Economies, Faculty of Economics and Administrations, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

-Book chapter:

Tambunan, T.T.H. (2014), "Ongoing trade facilitation improvement: Its impact on export-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia", in Ravi Ratnayake, et al. (eds), Impacts of trade facilitation measures on poverty and inclusive growth: Case studies from Asia, UN-ESCAP and ARNeT, Bangkok.